Across the Iron Curtain

Our next teaching destination (just Lisa & I this time) was a town called Senec (pronounced: Sen-Yetz) which, by all Slovak standards, is a very bizarre location. Basically, Senec is a medium-sized town about 30 minutes away from Bratislava on the train. Based on appearance alone, it seems like a wealthy area—it was certainly the most “suburban” town I have ever seen in Slovakia.

This is not to say that it was as cookie-cutter as a suburb in the States, just that many of the houses had proper lawns and their owners seemed concerned about flower arrangements and other things of that nature

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A Couple Return Visits: Bratislava & Tábor

After our week in Brezno, we were scheduled to set a western course—Lisa, Kevin and I were going to work in a town in Czech Republic called Tábor. Avid readers of my blog may remember that this is the town that where Lisa and I went out to dinner with a couple—when we were teaching in the small village of Načeradec—and had an extensive conversation about the pros and cons of Communism. [Check out my post from October 8th, Mushrooms & Communism, to read about those antics.]

But, before we went to Tábor we decided to meet up with Kevin and make another weekend out of Bratislava. Again, consistent readers may recall that I loved Bratislava, so, I didn’t mind visiting a place that I had already seen. I booked the same hostel that we stayed in last time because it was so enjoyable, but, due to some error on my part, I accidentally booked it for a month later than anticipated. Luckily, there was plenty of room for us when we showed up because it’s a nicely sized place.

Everyone knows those last few months in the year get tricky when it comes to their order. Live and learn, I guess.

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