A Familiar Face in Prague

Happy New Year! Hope all of your resolutions are either going terrifically or have already come to a quick conclusion so that you can continue living happily—as you probably were before.


Lisa and I were scheduled to travel to northeastern Slovakia after our week teaching in Tábor. Since we had revisited Bratislava the weekend before, we decided that we should see Prague one more time before heading home for the holidays.

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A Couple Return Visits: Bratislava & Tábor

After our week in Brezno, we were scheduled to set a western course—Lisa, Kevin and I were going to work in a town in Czech Republic called Tábor. Avid readers of my blog may remember that this is the town that where Lisa and I went out to dinner with a couple—when we were teaching in the small village of Načeradec—and had an extensive conversation about the pros and cons of Communism. [Check out my post from October 8th, Mushrooms & Communism, to read about those antics.]

But, before we went to Tábor we decided to meet up with Kevin and make another weekend out of Bratislava. Again, consistent readers may recall that I loved Bratislava, so, I didn’t mind visiting a place that I had already seen. I booked the same hostel that we stayed in last time because it was so enjoyable, but, due to some error on my part, I accidentally booked it for a month later than anticipated. Luckily, there was plenty of room for us when we showed up because it’s a nicely sized place.

Everyone knows those last few months in the year get tricky when it comes to their order. Live and learn, I guess.

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